Thirteen days more to fully enjoy the island.
Yes, it is true. The reality of my being here is for starting medical school. School will commence on August 30, which I may have published before but will repeat again.
My school schedule will consist of:
Gross Human Anatomy with Embryology----- 11 units
Biochemistry ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7 units
Medical Terminology and Biostatistics~~~~~ 3 units
I will be in school everyday from 8am until 3:30pm with one hour for lunch. This hour will be nice since we live right next to campus and it takes about one minute to walk to the front door of AUC, this way I can have lunch with my wife and kids allowing more family time. I will post more details of the schedule when I get one for those that are interested.
Onto another thought. We are going to try and pack in as many activities as we possibly came before the onslaught of informations takes over our lives. This way my children and wife will have even more separation anxiety when I am not around much. Nice guy aren't I? Actually they will probably be happy to have a break from me.
Jace and Adam will be going to AUC with me. Jace will be starting first grade and Adam Kindergarten. They will be in school from 9 until 1pm and this will give Angie some much needed time for herself. We are not sure of the quality of education yet but if needed we can amend there studies anyway. Not to mention I have already been doing that with a lot of island activities. I am teaching them to snorkel, swim and respect the ocean, play with all of the animated creatures, starfish, hermit crabs, snails, millipedes, butterflies, lizards. They know how to peal the husk off a coconut and then crack open the shell and drink the sweet, fresh coconut nectar and eat the meat of the coconut, and have also learned how to cut bananas off the banana palms.
They are also learning what French, Spanish, and Dutch sound like. And even the island slang like 'Limin'. That means to just lay around and chill. This is what everyone pretty much does in the middle of the day when the humidity is so high and the temp about 90 degrees.
Well, I must go and eat and get ready to do my morning swim in the ocean. We will write again soon. Please peruse the previouse picture posts.
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