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Wednesday, September 01, 2004

The First Real Day of Med School

Well, as most of you may know our first day of Medical School was postponed to prepare for Hurricane Francis. It never happened. We got some mild wind (nothing even close to what we have experienced in Colorado with everyday storms--40mph winds with gusts up to 60mph) and a trace of rain; however we had some good SURF!!!
I was able to spend about four hours bodysurfing, bodyboarding, and teaching Jace how to deal with powerful, pounding waves--it was unforgiving and unrelenting. It was shore break so we had to be extra careful. We had a guy here, I heard, last year that broke his spine doing the bodysurfing thing in the shore break. Shore break, for those that don't know, is when the waves break right on the beach. You all can imagine the danger if you aren't careful.
I must admit that Jace is doing very well with diving under the waves and swimming in the ocean. He never wanted to get out. He loved it.
Adam, on the other hand, wasn't as bold but the day before we had less intimidating waves and he had a blast diving under them. I am getting my two little polywogs to become fish. It is really quite cool to see them so excited to get in the ocean, see all the exotic underwater creatures and swim nearly carefree.
On another note, it is the kids first day of school today with Jace in first grade and Adam in Kindergarten. We'll see how that works out.
I must go now and powerup for my first day of my new career.
Thanks to everyone who reads this site and all of your support. It makes it easier to keep posting when I know it will be read by someone.
OK (The local lingo for 'Bye")


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