Round III: Biochem and Anatomy and History of Med.
A while ago I took my History of Medicine class and got a 70%. Passing grade as I see it. Only studied two hours for a 1 unit class.
Biochem resluts: a 72% and only studied 5 hours.
I can really say I do not like the class one bit. I wish I did, but I don't
Anatomy results a 91% and I studied about 14 hours for the written and countless hours for the dissection. I have some issues with how the test was administered but I have already spoken with the Head Professor and some things will be changed. Does anyone think it would be nice to know what will be tested before you are tested?
So I passed History of Medicine 1 unit
I have an 81% overall in Biochem--7 units
and a overall 97% in Anatomy--10 units
I will say that my motivation has not been great here at AUC. This school is going through some major changes. We are losing our Dean next week which is a great loss. We had one of our Anatomy professors return from Harvard--a good thing but it changed the testing style. We are having one of our Anatomy professors leave today and we just got a new Anatomy professor from Australia. Big changes for us.
The other rather depressing thing her is a lot of the professors really don't have much spirit for the school and it shows, which ultimately makes it hard for us to feel motivated about the school.
But the good thing of that is that we, the students, have come together and have started to support each other more than ever. We all need that support because Med School is in some ways a Living Hell. At least I can get into the Ocean whenever I like and let it wash my cares away.
One good thing I wanted to write about is that Dr. Loukas, the professor which just arrived back from Harvard is very motivated, spirited and enthusiastic. He brought research to the school of AUC over the last two years discovering a new surgery technique and also a new structure in the human heart called the Infundibular Apical Sulcus. These were presented by our top students at the yearly International Anatomy Convention in New York City last July and they performed such a fantastic job that they won all the awards over every single school (Yes that means Harvard, Yale Princton, Emory, Tulane, Stanford etc.). Their closest competition was Mayo Clinic and they crushed them. So AUC is definitely on the map.
One good note is one of our consumate Medical Students, Bob, is doing such a good job with the Anatomy and Surgery program that he was able to land a two week Surgery introduction at Harvard, again thanks to Dr. Loukas. So there are possibilities, GREAT POSSIBILITIES, if I work hard.
The "new nerve" I thought I had discovered turned out to be a sympathetic chain to the face which is known about but extremely rare. Only a couple of publications on it. Maybe I can still write a case presentation on it.
After I showed Dr. Loukas the nerve he asked me, "Are those the dissection tools you are using?" I said yes, so he shook his head and said follow me. He did this right in front of everyone. He took me back to his Anatomy office and pulled out a pair of dissection scissors with gold plated handles and said use these. WOW! I was humbled, excited and shocked! I gratefully said thank you and asked when we would start doing some research. He stated that we will be starting within a few weeks. I am excited about it and from what I understand I am the only Frist semester student to be chosen for the research team. Apparently students are only chosen after their first semester. Humbling for sure.
I am going to be doing a suturing class this Sunday which is taught by Bob and Dr. Loukas which should be very educational. I am excited about that.
I am also going to be teaching the EKG class here on campus which will be fun but will take up more of my time. Hopefully not too much time. I am already starting to miss my family and I don't like that part very much. I do get torn trying to keep the balance.
Enough babbling for now.
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