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Friday, July 02, 2004

Finally have a Contract on the House!

We had our first showing of our house on Wednesday and had an offer of $169,000. We were originally asking $178,000 but didn't have the time to waste looking for the, "I can't live without this house, so I will pay whatever amount needed to secure this property" buyer. So becaue we are leaving for St. Maarten on August 10 we lowered the price to 169,900.
We countered with $169,500 and extended the "Get Out of Your Property" date to August 1st from July 30 (The closing date). They accepted and we are now very excited. However, I will be even more excited when I deposit the check!
Let's hope all the rest of the buying process goes well.

We will now start the, "Clean the crap" out of our house process and start separating the stuff into, store, take and sell piles. This is very hard to do because of collecting so many things in our lives. And with two children it is even more amazing how much one can pile things up.
I am very excited that my parents are coming down this 4th of July. It will be the last time we see them for probably about two years. It will be a very fun time.
I hope I can post again soon.


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