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Monday, January 30, 2006

The Caribbean Gem's Swim Meet was a big event on the island. Eight of the elementary schools competed with a total of 80 swimmers. Jace won the 25 meter freestyle in his age group and was so excited to see his name in the local newspaper. Way to go Jace! Posted by Picasa

CIA Swim Team won 2nd place in the relay and overall team Posted by Picasa

Jim helped out with being the time keeper. Posted by Picasa

CIA (Canadian International Acadamy) holding their trophy for 2nd place over all. Posted by Picasa

Jace on the platform accepting his medal for 1st place freestyle in the 8 and under. Posted by Picasa

1st Annual Skimboard Competition was held right down the street from us at Cupecoy beach.  Posted by Picasa

Adam watching the skimboard competition. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Sunset at Cupecoy Beach Posted by Picasa

Finally a big swell! There were about 15 surfers out that day. Poor Jim broke his toe and was unable to surf. Posted by Picasa

Out to breakfast at the Le Saint Germain, they make the best crepes. Posted by Picasa

Sunset at Cupecoy Beach Posted by Picasa

Out watching the surfers at Cupecoy Beach Posted by Picasa

I think Jace has a crush Posted by Picasa

Gibbs Bay is located on the southern portion of St. Maarten. Unfortunately, this will soon be built up by hotels/casinos. Posted by Picasa

This is the first time on the southeastern area of St. Maarten. A beautiful, undeveloped area but not for long . . . soon to be built are hotels and casino's.  Posted by Picasa

Adam's birthday party was on the playboat, the kids had a blast Posted by Picasa

Adam turns 6 years old Posted by Picasa

Adam Posted by Picasa