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Friday, September 29, 2006

On the flight home, Jace and Adam got to sit in the cockpit with the pilot before taking off. Posted by Picasa

On the Hudson river touring Manhattan Posted by Picasa

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Inside Gil and Linda's Cottage, where we stayed. Posted by Picasa

Linda, Jace & Adam on Martha's Vinyard Posted by Picasa

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out of sequence again...Jim playing around Posted by Picasa

Jace and Adam playing at the airport. Posted by Picasa

Adam and Angie having some fun in at the Minneapolis airport. Posted by Picasa

Our trip to Cape Cod was incredible, it really is a beautiful area but most of all we really enjoyed seeing our friends again, Linda and Gil. They were our landlords in St. Maarten and became our friends. They were a big help to us on the island and we think the world of them.  Posted by Picasa

Linda bought the boys some hovercraft toys ... way cool! Posted by Picasa

Jim's package store. Posted by Picasa

Waiting for a dingy or ferry ride to Martha's Vinyard. Posted by Picasa

A nice man giving us a ride to the dock. Posted by Picasa

The "Linda Mae" at full throttle! Posted by Picasa

Linda had a chest of toys at the cottage ... Adam found something to play with. Posted by Picasa

Thanks Linda! We all had fun with your wig. hee hee.  Posted by Picasa

One of Jim's treasures. Posted by Picasa

Jim having fun scouting things out at low tide. Posted by Picasa

Gil and Jim messing around while the kids play at the arcade ... looks like someone won some tickets. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, September 28, 2006

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The boys are very fond of Linda, she was always so good to them when she came down to St. Maarten. Posted by Picasa

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