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Friday, October 29, 2004

A whole bunch of picture posts.

I just posted a bunch of pictures and a blog so don't forget to check it all out. Good weekend to everyone.

Scarry monsters. Posted by Hello

Super creeps. Posted by Hello

Adam just as nervous but the pic makes it look like he was happy to do it. He wasn't. Posted by Hello

A reading presentation at Jace and Adams School. Jace being a little nervous. Posted by Hello

What does it make you think about? Cool sand under the toes is next to Heaven. Posted by Hello

My kids looking way to cool at the beach. At night. (Sponge Bob referral) Posted by Hello

Me getting pounded. I love getting pounded. That is a five foot wave breaking in six inches of water. If it looks painful it is. Posted by Hello

Jace boogie boarding a couple of days ago. That is my head to the right. He got out after that one. He wasn't happy. Posted by Hello

A picture a friend took of our kids when we were coming back from the Worlds Stongest Men Competition.  Posted by Hello

We had a poweroutage. Imagine that. Adam stubbed his toe and so Jace put a bandage on his toe under the candel light (At night) You need to watch Sponge Bob Square Pants to understand the, "At Night" thing. Posted by Hello

Who lives in a Pineapple under the sea? Posted by Hello

Seriously, I should be studying. But I am more interested in Pineapples. Posted by Hello

If it looks painful, it is! Posted by Hello

We watched some of our friends kid's one night and everyone passed out. Precious! Posted by Hello

A beautiful picture a friend of mine took in outside of Bishop California at about 12,000 ft.  Posted by Hello

Can you beleive it? A new Post. WOW!!

This is just a note to let everyone in on how crappy I have been doing in Med School. Or I guess you could say good depending on your perspective.
About a week ago I got my grade back in my History of Medicine Class I got a 70%. Sounds a bit lacking but I only studied 2 hours for the exam and it was the final. It is only a one unit class and the amount of information was staggaring so I said screw it and gave it my least. The funny thing is, is that the Prof said it would be so easy that everyone should be finished in 20 minutes, so I decided to drink beer instead of study (Good thinking?)--no one left before 40 minutes were up. Hmmm. . . Sounds like the bait and switch bitch routine to me. Anyway it is over. THANK GOD!!!!!
My Biochem exam was today and I was hoping to pass. Well after only about 10 hours of study in two and a half weeks (Did I mention I like to drink beer?) with five of those hours in the last two days I don't feel bad with a 76% (approximately)--It could be higher because a couple of questions had two viable answers. But anyway that still gives me an overall 83% in the course with only one test to go and the final. Before this test I was in the top 25% of the class. We know where that percentage is going--UP, UP, UP. Oh well, not too bad for crappy study habits. (Did I mention I like to drink beer?)
Some will say I have a piss poor attitude about my study habits for Biochem but my kids will say that their Daddy Loves them very much (and likes to drink beer--did I mention that?) and spends nearly every single evening home with them. I'm sure that will change in the future but for now it is worth it!
Now Anatomy is a different story. I truly enjoy it, (along with drinking beer) although the dissections are sometimes tedious (eg. superficial arm and antebrachium (forearm)) but it is what I enjoy( the dissections and the beer!). But we'll see how much I really enjoy it come Monday afternoon after Test #3 (the anatomy, we already know I like to drink beer. I did mention it, right?).
Gotta go and enjoy the beautiful day. It has been cloudy and rainy for the last week, which is good because it cools it off but it is quite nice to see the sun. Biochemically speaking the sun gives me good reason to drink yeast feces. It really is quite tasty! But is that the reason I feel so shitty after I drink too much beer? Hmmm. Salut! to the Yeasties and their feces.

Thursday, October 21, 2004

A scarry picture of our kids with the other two kids from Jace's class making a retchedly scarry Halloween image in front of the large bat at the St. maarten Zoo. Posted by Hello

This, I think, is such a beautiful picture involving wonderful contrast. The iridescent red flower with the black and white patterned butterfly. Don't know its name but the picture just makes me feel good. Posted by Hello

This is a cool pic from Angies trip to the Butterfly Garden of an Owl Butterfly. Posted by Hello

A beautiful sunset right before the infamous "Green Flash" Posted by Hello

These are the dancers that come out every night at 9:00 to entertain everyone. They are only a mile from our house. Another reason to be disappointed with living in the Caribbean. Posted by Hello

The labeled close up of my dissection. Just an interesting side note. . .this is only one quarter of the head of my specimin. The 1/4 is seen better in the next picture. Posted by Hello

A shot of the sympathetic chain nerve I discovered. It is lying over the probe. Posted by Hello

A Neat Thing

I have been working very hard on my cadaver dissection and it has come to pay off. I was surprized when my professor called me an artist when it comes to my dissections and even more surprized when I was asked to be a TA for next semester. This after only half of the semester is over. I was flattered and shocked. I have been meticulously dissecting the cadaver for selfish reasons and that is to thoroughly understand the three dimentional relationship of all the structures in the human body--it imbeds the structures deep within my mind making it hard to forget. And the TA thing is just a side thing I wasn't even thinking about.
It was weird today, though, when I was allowed to be in the dissection lab when the professors were working with tagging structures and everyone else was asked to leave. It made me feel honored, but also uncomfortable with all the other students that I saw walking in and getting asked to leave so the professors could finish. I hope I don't create more enemies by this happening. One student even asked, "How did you get the special pass" to be in the room while the professors were tagging. I didn't say anything and just smiled. I didn't know what to say.
Well I thought I would make note of this happening.

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Our friend Matt happend to catch this beautiful sunrise. Posted by Hello

The whole picture. Nothing like building Sand Castles. Posted by Hello

By request from all the Men. Mullet Beach on an average day. Posted by Hello