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Saturday, January 29, 2005

The Second Semester is in Full Swing

Sorry I haven't written much lately. This Blog will be short until I can find some time to write more.
The second semester has been a wake up call for everyone--me, Angie, Jace and Adam. The volume is twice as much and the material has gotten harder. There is almost no time to enjoy my family for hours on end. I usually have to study all weekend because I don't really study during the weekday evenings--mostly because I want to spend that time with my family. Also it does get old having to study all the time. I love the part of Med school that is learning not the part of "Volumizing". How much information can a student absorb just long enough to puke it back up on a test? Good question. Any answers?
On another note, Angie and I are going to go run on the beach right now so I can get my blood moving before I settle into that all too familiar 90 degree flexion at the hip (sitting in a chair studying). So I wish all a good Winter day and I will write again soon with more of the details of the happenings here.
Regards, Jim

Finally!!! Some new pics for everyone to peruse. Sorry for not taking the time to upload current pictures. I will blog about school life when I can. Until then enjoy the pics. Posted by Hello

Good Morning from St. Maarten. Posted by Hello

A cousin of ours slept in the washer last night. Posted by Hello

A nice pic of our friend. Give all a perspective of the size of this thing. Posted by Hello

Matt burying Ryan. Its what Med students do. Posted by Hello

I guess you could say Ryan has a "woody". That is from righ to left, Edwin, Matt. Posted by Hello

GameCube break. Posted by Hello

A really pretty Cruise Ship with the big sails all lit up. But hard to get a good picture of at night so far away. Posted by Hello

We were out on the town for once without the kids. It was very nice. But the reason that Jeanne-Ruth is upstaging Angie is because Angies top became really see through with the flash. Sorry mammary gland fans you'll have to look elsewhere. Posted by Hello

That sweet Moraccan tea is a hit. Posted by Hello

Angie looking surprised or looped? She is so pretty though no matter how you look at it. Posted by Hello

Angie and Mandy out on their last date before she leaves to Colorado Posted by Hello

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Mandy hiking up to Fort Louis on the French side over looking Marigot. What a beautiful view! Posted by Hello

Jace and Mandy eating crossants and crepes in Marigot (French side). Posted by Hello

Peter, Adam and Jace rough housing. Posted by Hello

Adam and Jace wrestling with our friend Peter. Posted by Hello

Mandy and Angie enjoying the boat ride to Creole Rock for Mandy's first dive. Posted by Hello

Getting ready for the dive, laughter does wonders for the nerves. Posted by Hello

Mandy was so brave, she did great on her first dive! Posted by Hello

Saturday, January 08, 2005

Mandy and Jerry Lee hanging out. Posted by Hello

Angie's boss, Jerry Lee . . . drinking Ponche de Kuba at Sunset Beach Bar. Posted by Hello

An evening at Sunset Beach Bar. Posted by Hello

Mandy and Angie at Mullet Beach. Posted by Hello

Adam in a sand hole. Posted by Hello

My cousin Mandy arrived today. At Mullet Beach watching the sunset. Posted by Hello